Monday, September 30, 2019

Critical Analysis Of Human Resource Development Intervention

What is larning and how does larning take topographic point? This essay will turn to the reply to the aforementioned inquiry by critically measuring an Induction semen Training plan conducted by John Little. Mezirow ‘s instrumental acquisition and Kolb ‘s acquisition manners will be discussed to analyze the existent life larning that I personally experienced whilst working for the abovementioned retail merchant. To show the transportation between theoretical and organisational acquisition, the apprehension gained from the Human Resource Development ( HRD ) literature will be utilized to supply recommendations on bettering the Induction semen Training plan to heighten and ease grownup acquisition. John Little is managed by the Robinsons Group, one of Singapore ‘s prima retail merchants ( Robinsons 2009 ) . The departmental shop offers a broad scope of consumer goods to the general populace. Its success is reliant on its committedness to excellent client service. Staff preparation in cardinal countries such as merchandise cognition and presentation is paid peculiar attending to because, these would reflect on John Little ‘s client service ( Robinsons 2009 ) . The approaching critical ratings of Mezirow ‘s instrumental acquisition and Kolb ‘s acquisition manners will help in analyzing the attack used by John Little ‘s direction during the initiation semen preparation plan for new employees. In my sentiment, these two theories implemented together during a learning episode, can supply effectual acquisition for grownups.Mezirow ‘s Instrumental LearningInstrumental acquisition happens when one engages in undertaking orientated job work outing as it involves the procedure of larning to pull strings and command the environment or people i.e. , how to make something or how to execute ( Delahaye 2005 ) . In instrumentalA acquisition, one can reflect on the everyday premises or content that guided in the job work outing procedure ( O'Neil & A ; Marsick 2007 ) . Therefore, this signifier of larning allows us to determine alterations ensuing from the acquisition by mensurating behaviors, public presentation or productiveness of employees ( Delahaye 2005 ) . Mezirow ( 1981 ) further emphasized that instrumental acquisition, at all times, involves anticipations about discernible actions either societal or physical, which can turn out to be wrong or right ( Mezirow 1981 ) . Therefore, empirical grounds is used in instrumental acquisition to guarantee that the implicit in premises are right ( O'Neil & A ; Marsick 2007 ) . Instrumental acquisition is apparent in two domains of activity, viz. ; procedural preparation and empirical research ( Delahaye 2005 ) . As noted by Nonaka & A ; Takeuchi ( cited in Delahaye 2005 ) , procedural preparation is the cardinal supplier to knowledge coevals and as such is indispensable in any organisation as it ensures that cognition is widely disseminated. Learning through undertaking orientated job work outing and finding the cause and consequence relationships are constituents of empirical research ( Delahaye 2005 ) . The rules of grownup larning preponderantly shaped the apprehension of Mezirow ‘s instrumental acquisition. A figure of research workers have identified these rules to be viz. ; get downing with the known, preparedness to larn, portion acquisition, spaced acquisition, active acquisition, over-learning, multiple sense acquisition, feedback, meaningful stuff and transportation of larning ( Delahaye 2005 ) . These rules will be discussed in the extroverted paragraphs. Any signifier of larning episode should get down with the basic thought or the scholar ‘s current degree of cognition as this AIDSs in acquisition and in such instances, the larning nonsubjective becomes easier to grok. Thorndike ‘s Law of Readiness ( cited in Delahaye 2005 ) , emphasizes that the larning experience of an person would be more enriching if the person is ready to larn. Part acquisition and spaced acquisition are used jointly within the larning context. Part larning emphasiss that larning stuffs should be separated into reasonably even sized pieces before being presented to the scholar. Miller ( cited in Delahaye 2005 ) named this procedure as ‘chunking ‘ . The construct of separated acquisition asserts the fact that clip intervals should be allowed between the balls to ease acquisition. As suggested by Delahaye and Smith ( cited in Delahaye 2005 ) , active acquisition involves the use of an activity to reenforce the predating ball of information. McGehee and Thayer ( cited in Delahaye 2005 ) pointed out that over-learning is basically the repeat of undertaking or stuff. This occurs when an single patterns until the stuff is mastered. The term multi sense larning speaks for itself. Feedback and meaningful stuff are critical in the acquisition procedure. Learning is transferred to the working state of affairs given the instance that the acquisition and public presentation state of affairss are similar ( Delahaye 2005 ) . For illustration, transportation of larning occurs when the exact equipment and working stuffs are utilised during the learning procedure.Kolb ‘s Learning StylesMezirow ‘s theory focused on the use and control of environment or people. Kolb, on the other manus focused specifically on persons ‘ acquisition manners. His theory will be used to complement Mezirow ‘s theory for the intent of this essay. Kolb ‘s acquisition manners were developed upon the theoretical account of experiential acquisition ( Erdem 2009 ) . The theoretical account symbolizes larning in a cyclic construction, ‘namely having ( perceptual experience ) and transforming ( treating ) information ‘ ( Kolb, cited in Erdem 2009, p. 156 ) . It is believed that the four acquisition manners consisted of two dimensi ons. The â€Å" feeling † class is related with the concrete experience whereas the â€Å" thought † class is related with the abstract conceptualisation of the perceiving dimension ( Loo 2004 ) . The â€Å" making † class is related with the active experimentation of the processing dimension whereas the â€Å" observation † class is related with the brooding observation dimension ( Loo 2004 ) . As such, the four different manners of larning classified under Kolb ‘s theory are viz. ; divergers, learners, convergers and obligers. He farther suggested that scholars may follow different manners in changing state of affairss as the preferable manners merely mirrors a inclination ( Kolb, cited in de Jesus, Almeida & A ; Watts 2004 ) . They have a leaning to favor some manner of larning over others. Divergers are skilled in originative imaginativeness as opposed to convergers ( Erdem 2009 ) . They prefer multi directional information assemblage ( Erdem 2009 ) . They are besides cognizant of values, significance and are interested in people ( Delahaye 2005 ) . Learners are extremely skilled in making theoretical theoretical accounts that assemble changing observations into one definition ( Erdem 2009 ) . They are more concerned with constructs and thoughts instead than people ( Delahaye 2005 ) . Convergers emphasise the practical application of thoughts and map best in individual solution state of affairss ( Delahaye 2005 ) . They prefer to cover with proficient jobs instead than interpersonal and societal issues ( Erdem 2009 ) . Obligers are opposites from learners. They like to do programs and implement them ( Erdem 2009 ) . Furthermore, they seek chances, take hazards and are action orientated ( Delahaye 2005 ) . Therefore, they are perceived to prefer teamwork. The restrictions in Kolb ‘s acquisition manners must besides be discussed to measure the failing in Kolb ‘s theory. Garner ( 2000 ) stated that Kolb ‘s theory was frequently questioned about its cogency and dependability and this was due to its hapless theoretical foundations. Furthermore, he besides mentioned that Tyler ‘s ‘possibility processing ‘ ( cited in Garner 2000, p. 345 ) was used as a justification for the stability of his theory. Tyler ‘s original work which emphasized single differences was missing in Kolb ‘s theory as Kolb has categorized scholars into groups ( Garner 2000 ) . Furthermore, confusion and finally a misinterpretation was created as to whether Kolb is reasoning for larning manners that are flexible or inflexible ( Garner 2000 ) .Induction cum Training plan at John LittleThe aforesaid theories will be applied to a existent life experience with the aim of showing the transportation between theoretical and organi sational acquisition. This treatment will concentrate on the design and execution phase of the HRD procedure. Mezirow ‘s instrumental acquisition will be applied to the design and execution phase whereas Kolb ‘s acquisition manners will be focused on the design phase. Harmonizing to Delahaye ( 2005 ) , the design phase in any HRD procedure is defined such that all facets of grownup larning coalesce when planing the acquisition experience. He besides stated that it is indispensable for the human resource developer to hold accomplishments to use the appropriate acquisition schemes in the execution phase ( Delahaye 2005 ) . As noted, initiation and preparation are two different facets of an HRD plan. John small combined these two facets into a individual session plan. This session had employees from different age groups, runing from adolescents to the middle-aged. The initiation session for the new gross revenues associates started off with a brief debut about John Little. This basically covered the history of the organisation, values, policies and mission. Following which, the facilitator went on to speak about work civilization, personal presentation, occupation duties and familiarization of each section and what was expected of the employees. Everyone was given a interruption after which, the preparation session commenced instantly. The acquisition stuffs that were presented to the employees seemed hard to grok, particularly so, for the middle-aged employees. It consisted of many pages of processs, which was written in complex English. The intent of John Little ‘s preparation session was to develop and steer the new employees in runing the hard currency registries and to supply client service. Training was conducted with the assistance of a power point presentation which finally, ended up being a one manner communicating as the facilitator did n't try to prosecute the audience. Furthermore, while the session was on-going, the employees were expected to mention to the manual for farther elucidation without farther advice. It was noted that all the employees who were recruited during that period, were undergoing the same preparation session irrespective of their single occupation duty. At the terminal of the twenty-four hours, after the talk manner preparation session, each employee was allowed 15 proceedingss of hands-on session with the hard currency registry. The hands-on session, guided by the facilitator was meant to be an advantage in the preparation session but as there was merely one hard currency registry to work on, each employee had to wait in line for their single hands-on session. On the 2nd twenty-four hours, we were introduced to our single section supervisor and were given a floor circuit of our existent on the job country. Thereafter, we were instantly asked to get down work on the topographic point. Overall, the initiation semen preparation session was conducted over a one and a half twenty-four hours period.Critical Analysis and Evaluation of Induction cum Training planThe accomplishments and cognition gained from the initiation semen developing plan should help John Little in presenting and continuing its current quality of client service. However, this was non the instance as there were bugs in its design and execution. Therefore, the grownup larning procedure was hindered. The extroverted treatment will further lucubrate on the failing in the design and execution of this plan. As per Mezirow ‘s instrumental acquisition, John Little was right in showing a brief debut to the organisation. This would hold instilled basic cognition of the organisation for the employees. However, John Little did non measure the employee ‘s competency degree in orienting the plan. Employees from really different demographics were given the same type of preparation. This may do the slow scholar to face troubles in maintaining gait with others and therefore may halter their acquisition procedure. If I was the HRD director, I would hold grouped the recruits harmonizing to their age group and have had a self debut semen ice ledgeman session. This would hold eased any uneasiness amongst older employees if they were slow scholars. This will besides promote them to inquire more inquiries which will take them to larn more than if they were grouped with adolescents who nowadays are by and large better read and good versed with retail civilization. I would hold besides given press releases in simple English and more hands-on session as this escalates the understanding procedure greatly instead than talks. As established earlier, the recruits were non introduced to the present staff in their assigned sections. As portion of the ice ledgeman session, I would hold introduced the supervisor and all the staffs under the single sections to the new employees. John Little has assorted sections with five to six senior employees in each section. The debut should be done during the initiation session to do the employees feel at easiness and mix with their hereafter co-workers. The intent of initiation is to acquire good acquainted with the work environment, the organisation ‘s civilization, the people and the procedures whilst the intent of developing harmonizing to Mathis and Jackson ( 2007 ) is to supply employees with specific accomplishments and identifiable cognition for usage in their present occupations and is defined as the procedure whereby employees get capablenesss to execute their occupations. Both initiation and preparation should hold been conducted individually because both have a different intent. I would hold conducted the full plan over a three twenty-four hours period. Induction would be done over two yearss and preparation would take up one twenty-four hours. It is advisable to carry on the session in parts as this will enable the participants to absorb and retain more information instead than holding a concentrated plan. In add-on, the frequence of interruptions during such Sessionss should be high. It is apparent that John Little ‘s human resource developer did non take into consideration the ample handiness of resource, which in kernel, is clip. Everything was packed together and therefore the transportation of larning would non hold been successful. The larning stuff consisted of a thick employee enchiridion in complex English which may non hold been suited for all recruits. Grasping information would hold been much easier if the enchiridion had been split into its assorted subdivisions with a more images instead than merely apparent words. As it has been said, a image speaks a 1000 words. Such ocular AIDSs enhance grownup acquisition and it would hold enabled the participants to link more easy with the power-point presentation. And alternatively of merely enchiridions, I would hold besides incorporated worksheets to measure and measure the participants apprehension of the preparation. This will enable me to put the recruits in sections best suited for their ability and aptitude. There was merely one hard currency registry available for hands-on session for the full batch of participants which resulted in everyone hardly holding 15 proceedingss on it. While waiting for their bend, there is a possibility that some of the information could hold been forgotten or they may experience ignored. It would hold been more productive if a brace of participants had one hard currency registry to themselves for the hands-on session. Furthermore, I would press every brace to prosecute in replying each others ‘ questions and acquiring constructive feedback from the trainer. This sort of active acquisition will enable them to retain information and liven up the acquisition procedure. The constructive feedback on advancement of the participants will ease them to recognize their failings and work on it. Motivational words used by the trainer can promote participants to execute beyond their occupation range which is sorely missing in today ‘s service industry in Sing apore. Alternatively, to get the better of this barrier that hinders the acquisition procedure, John Little should carry on specialized preparation for operation of hard currency registries. Time dedicated specifically for hands-on preparation better enables larning to take topographic point as repeat occurs. This should be accompanied by a supervisor who could help and supply feedback. The importance of feedback in the acquisition procedure can non be emphasized more as it completes the cringle in the learning rhythm. All participants were grouped together even though they had different occupation Scopess. An ideal state of affairs would be to group them harmonizing to occupation range and seamster customized preparation Sessionss to run into their acquisition demands. This will heighten acquisition as the session would be more meaningful and relevant to them. Alternatively of acquiring employees to get down work instantly and independently after a mere one and a half yearss of initiation and preparation, they should be tasked to alternate an experient senior employee. Designating a manager or a supervisor in this instance, provides a point of mention to new employees should they hold any questions or uncertainties. This once more, links back to constructive feedback on the portion of the manager. New employees are expected to execute up to outlook on the really first twenty-four hours of work. It is apprehensible that worlds make errors particularly so, when the preparation session was non conducted proper. It is besides improper of the employee to transport around the enchiridion until they have mastered a peculiar accomplishment or undertaking as it would do the feel incapable and unprofessional and will relect severely on John Little. As such, understudying and larning through feedback and active acquisition is indispensable in the acq uisition procedure as it recalls attending. As mentioned earlier, Kolb has identified four different larning manners of persons. Each manner of acquisition has to be accommodated for, during the design of the initiation and preparation plan. It is of import to observe that in any group, it is likely that there will be a mixture of larning penchants and this mixture could cover the four acquisition manners ( Delahaye 2005 ) . Since learners are able to cover with brawny sums of information and have the ability in organizing these information logically the structured technique as mentioned above can be used to profit them. The undermentioned unstructured larning schemes should be taken into consideration whilst planing the plan. Group larning or group exercisings should be implemented to further heighten larning by utilizing instance surveies and scenarios. Since effectual handling of clients is indispensable in client service and no 1 homo is heterogenous, scenarios and instance surveies would use creativity to get at an reply. Such exercisings would profit scholars who are divergers. Experiential acquisition in the signifier of larning instruments, where hands-on acquisition was conducted with the hard currency registries would profit obligers.DecisionThe aforesaid critical rating of the HRD literature clearly aided me in analysing the larning procedure of an grownup. Mezirow ‘s instrumental acquisition was focused on the control and use of the environment or people whereas Kolb ‘s acquisition manners was centred on persons ‘ acquisition manners. For the intent of this essay, Kolb à ¢â‚¬Ëœs theory was used to complement Mezirow ‘s theory as both theories are indispensable to the grownup larning procedure. These theories were applied to John Little ‘s initiation semen preparation plan. The failings in the plan were identified to be within the design and execution constituents. As a acquisition intercession was applied, I was able to rectify the failing by proposing effectual larning techniques that were associated with portion acquisition, spaced acquisition, active acquisition, feedback, intending stuff and transportation of larning. With the known fact that heterogenous persons have different acquisition manners in head, activities based on Kolb ‘s acquisition manners were recommended to ease acquisition. This essay assisted me to use HRD literature to a existent life larning experience and has proved to be good to my-self acquisition as good. ( 3039 words )

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Feeling of Music

In my listen world there are almost no classical music existence, but sometimes will still have a little. It does affect the music that I listen to now. Those classical music like a memory to me. Sometimes it will attract me to listen it; it reminds me to some historical memory, which I don’t like it at all. It will make me think the music that now I listen to are no any connotation and superficial. Even though I don’t like classical music, but somehow I will choose to listen it; because it let me have a feeling that back to the century. Classical music has a pretty big influence, because listening to classical music can decreases my tension in sometime. Even that classical music is not my preferred genre. Now, in my opinion there are a lot of difference between modern classical music and pop music. The tones of the modern classical music are still singing very slowly and the sounds can make you sleepy. Also now all the modern classical music all around us most have gone, even though there are still have some popular in this century, but most people won’t hear it because now have pop music. However, the classical get in development it still can’t compare favorably with pop music, because now is twenty-one century everyone get in fashion. Pop music is modern say music that a large amount of the population enjoys listening to. As a genre, pop music is very eclectic, often borrowing elements from other styles. It’s including urban, dance, rock, Latin and country; nonetheless, there are core elements which define pop. It is written quite recently and has almost no rules as to how it can sound. Also it’s unique and lots of improvisation. In additional, classical music does not affect my life at all. In my life only contain pop music, because I am a person that seeks vogue. I don’t allow anything affects my fashion, because in my mind classical music is a backward thing. As I mansion earlier, in my listen world there are almost no classical music existence. So, for this case classical music wont affect my life at all.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Critically assess the provisions of the Corporate Manslaughter and Essay

Critically assess the provisions of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 - Essay Example Thus, existing laws against corporate manslaughter are generally compared to a paper tiger. This used to be the case in UK where organized labor and other concerned sectors had for many years railed against the growing number of deaths at work in which nobody gets the blame and receives the appropriate penalty. In 2003, the country’s Trade Union Congress (TUC) noted that 10,000 Britons die at work each year, or one for every single hour. The report said in 2002 alone, 249 workers and 384 innocent bystanders were killed in workplace incidents, with 4,000 more dying from asbestos-related diseases and 6,000 from other occupational illnesses9. Media likewise estimated that over 40,000 people in UK had been killed in commercially related circumstances between 1966 and 200610, but under the old common law of manslaughter, only 34 companies were prosecuted for homicide and only seven resulted in convictions. The old laws such as the law of gross negligence treated work-related deaths like common crimes, which seldom gave justice to the victims because of the inherent difficulty of pinpointing blame in a corporate setting. Under this common-law crime of manslaughter, government solicitors prosecuted erring firms in many celebrated cases but failed. Among these cases were the 1990 capsizing of the Herald of Free Enterprise ferry boat owned and operated by P & O Ferries (Dover), which killed 192 people, and the Southall rail crash in 1997, which caused seven deaths and injuries to 151 others. In both cases there were difficulties in finding one senior person in the company who knew enough to incriminate him6. What was found galling in these disasters was that they were not caused by mere individual mistakes but were part of a systemic failure of safety management10, which cries for the prosecution of an entire organization. There was one case in which government

Friday, September 27, 2019

GULF AIR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

GULF AIR - Essay Example Finance was never a problem-getting aircraft delivered was a much bigger problem. There were basically two countries manufacturing passenger aircraft-the U.S.A. and the U.K. Britain was anxious to sell as many aircraft as they could while they still had a say in international matters. But there was an internal clamour to set up their own airline first, for British. The Americans had no problems of that sort. It was just that they were overbooked. The primary aim was to get an airline going while competing with Saudi Arabia and Egypt, mainly for Arab traffic. Primary strategy was to make use of our Eastern location to fly Eastwards-India, Singapore, Australia. Operating an airline is all about making money-whether for the company or the country. â€Å"We had to stay focussed on international operations and administrative manpower also increased. Growth is reflected in more aircraft and crew, more routes, more alliances and exchanges and so on. We have grown considerably, if I may say so†, he adds. On speaking about the importance and role of internationalisation in their company’s strategy he finds the question, odd. â€Å"Because right from the outset, we were an international carrier, with services to nearly 40 countries worldwide, as a legacy from BOAC†, he explains. This has to be balanced with the fact that they were pan-Arab too, with a predilection towards looking inwards. â€Å"We are a very small country and one jump takes you overseas. First, we had to shake off our Arab insular thought processes. Our clientele is more than 85% foreigners. Our Cockpit Crew is also crowded with foreigners, who are paid a handsome amount. We get to project our country,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Law of Patents Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Law of Patents - Case Study Example Purchasing Associates, Inc. v Weitz, 13 NY2d 267, 269 (1963). It should be noted that federal courts will look to the state laws when interpreting the reasonableness of a covenant not to compete or a non competition clause. Thus the first question is where is Frothy Beer located The reason why the situs of Frothy Beer is important is because a reasonable inference of the facts indicates that part of the non-competition agreement states that jurisdiction of any dispute pursuant ot the agreement is within the United States. Judging by the information supplied, Frothy Beer is located in the United States. Because the headquarters of Awessa is located in Australia, Federal Court is the court of jurisdiction because of diversity of citizenship. Vaden v. Discover Bank --- S.Ct. ----, 2009 WL 578636 U.S. (2009). By way of example, if Frothy Beer was located in Virginia, then the federal courts would look to the state of Virginia codes in evaluating the non competition clause between Frothy and Eyus. ... Meissel v. Finley, 198 Va. 577, 579 (Va.Ct.App.1956) ("The possession of trade secrets and confidential information is an important consideration in testing the reasonableness of a restriction on competition.") (citing Stoneman v. Wilson, 169 Va. 239, 240 (Va.1937)). However, Paramount Termite Control Co., Inc. v. Rector, 238 Va. 171, 172 (Va.1989) notes that "Although often used as a justification for non-competition agreements, it is not necessary that the employees actually had acquired or possessed specific information that could be legally defined as confidential or a trade secret, ....")(internal quotations omitted). Here, the federal court would determine, in effect, whether Frothy Beer did or did not have any legitimate business interests worthy of protection. As a result, the district court's analysis of the restrictive covenant (here the non competition agreement) will likely be skewed by the fact that Eyus developed and applied for patents directly related to research and development of beer product within his first two years of employment at Awessa. II. While It Appears at First Blush That Awessa Can Enter into an agreement with U.S.B. Beer, all Environmental Issues in regards to the low carb beer production should first be resolved by Awessa before U.S.B. Beer enters into any transaction or memorandum of understanding. A patent may be awarded for either a product or a process: a product patent creates a monopoly over the manufacture, use and sale of product while a process patent creates a monopoly over the manufacture, use, and sale of a process. U.S. v. Studiengesellschaft Kohle, m.b.H. 670 F.2d

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Duress Is Not a Defence to Murder Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Duress Is Not a Defence to Murder - Essay Example The word ‘duress’ can be explained as a compulsion on an accused by a third party to carry out a murder, or else , he might have witnessed a cruel harm, including death from such a third party.This research essay will analyse how duress cannot be claimed as a defence to murder as held in R v Howe with decided other case laws on the subject.Analysis In Attorney-General v Whelan, 2 it was held that duress is a threat with an instant death or grave body injury to the defendant, and if he refuses to carry out the order of a third party and it should be acknowledged as a validation for action, which would else be regarded as a criminal offense.3 In the earlier times, if duress is claimed as a defence, then the prosecution has the duty to prove beyond doubt that the defendant was not indulged in a crime under duress. However, now, the onus to prove the duress defence claims rests with an accused. Duress cannot be successful in case where there is a claim of peril of lesser har m such as damage to assets or false imprisonment. As held in R v Howe, if there is an instant threat of a serious body injury or death, then defence under duress can be claimed for crimes other than murder and treason.4 Under English law, duress as a defence is not available to attempted murder, murder, or any kind of treason. Hence, the crucial issue was whether duress was a valid defence in murder cases. A defendant may claim duress as an excuse that connotes the defendant had been compelled to act under such a harsh danger that precluding from the crime could not rationally be expected.6 Duress by circumstances and duress by threat are differentiated as to the basis of the threat. Duress per minas (by a threat) starts from a human peril while duress by circumstances involves a peril of natural origin. Both threats can qualify as a valid excuse. In DPP for Northern Ireland v Lynch, 7 Lord Simon observed that duress is just a specific usage of the canon of necessity. In this case, it was held by the Lords that defence of duress was available to a collaborator. In this case, the lords observed that where a defendant is left with two alternatives, which are between the peril of death or grave injury, and if he wantonly put an end to life of an innocent, an ordinary individual should think that one naive human life is as precious as that of his family members and in such event, the defendant cannot argue that he is preferring the least significant of the two evils. Likewise, in R v Gotts,8 it was held that duress is not a justification to an attempted slaughter.9 In normal parlance, the courts would not acknowledge a defence of duress when an abnormal injury is made by the defendant .This is known as a test of proportionality as held in R v Howe.10 Likewise, the duress shield can fail if the prosecution is able to demonstrate that the defendant had a chance to avert the threat from the third party by taking timely help from the police, and if the defendant negle cted to do so, the defence of duress would not be successful as held in R v Hasan.11 Lord Bingham in the R v Hasan case viewed that the peril may be to the defendant or to his family or to a known person of the defendant. Hence, peril against the welfare of the defendant’s family, or to his life or to the life of the person known to the defendant, will be an adequate proof of duress.12 In R v Fitzpatrick,13 it was held that a gang member who had been compelled to indulge in murder could not raise a defence of dur

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 41

Essay Example However, as one might expect, these alternative views do not appropriately reflect the views of the author herself. Rather, notwithstanding the well-articulated counter arguments and the issue of freedom and legality that they necessarily entail, the author constructs an argument for the complete prohibition at worst and discouragement at best of the burqa within society. As a means of quickly seeking to jar the reader’s attention from the rhetorical strength of those individuals who have come out against legislation banning the veil, Berlinski shifts to the isolated cases of sexual violence that take place in the lawless suburbs of Paris. As a means of distraction this is an effective tactic due to the fact that it instantly congeals the reader’s impression of Islam as naturally given to sexual violence, rape specifically, and depicts the male adherents as little more than sexually deviant thugs who are more than willing to cast aside all decency that a host culture, such as France, may have gifted them as a means of punishing those who dare to show a bit of self expression and freedom of strict Islamic tradition. As a function of shifting the debate from the broad to the specific, the author is able to convince the reader that her specific point of view is the most rational. This rhetorical approach is not unique; however Berlinski ap plies it masterfully. Right after eviscerating Islamic European culture for being broken, immoral, and unrestrained, Berlinski states, â€Å"Yet the burqa must be banned. All forms of veiling must be, if not banned, strongly discouraged and stigmatized† (Berlinski 2). The argument deviates further from the subject matter when Berlinski brings in the topic of gynecological examinations of girls within many of the recent immigrant communities within Europe. Although it is not the function of this author to make a moral judgment with regards to whether or not such a fascination

Monday, September 23, 2019

To what extent is internet banking safe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

To what extent is internet banking safe - Essay Example Hackers look for online retailers with large customer base and poor security to obtain their usernames and passwords to access their financial information. Most customers fall prey to emails that appear to be send by their bank but steal the customers’ passwords by leading them to fraudulent websites. Keylogging is a process through which all strokes of a password are tracked by a virus while the password is being entered. It can breach personal computers’ defences. Ordinary web users can fend off such software with having latest versions of anti-virus software installed and extra-thick internet firewalls. Hackers use latest technology to surpass their barriers and many users overlook regular computer checks. In order to deal with these threats, online banks avoid connecting to the internet directly. Instead, they use firewall technology to protect their computer system from unauthorized access. Many online banks hire outside security experts so as to ensure that their systems are secure internally and externally against the experts’ attempts to make unauthorized attacks. If a user forgets logging off while the banking session has been inactive for a certain duration which is usually few minutes, the online bank ends the session for the user. The information can thus not be accessed in the terminated account. The user needs to give the User ID and Password to resume the banking session again. Security systems commonly employed by online banks can be categorized into two types; software based systems and hardware based systems. In the software based systems, information is coded and decoded with the help of specialized security software. These systems are in abundance in the market because of their ease of distribution and portability. Security systems based on software employ encryption as the main method. Encryption modifies information so that it becomes unreadable till the process is reversed. Online banks use Secured Socket Layer (SSL) encryption to provide their users with safe online transaction services. Messages in each session are encrypted with a unique master key. Encryption is a process of communication in which the private information is scrambled to deter unauthorized access during the transmission of information from the user’s browser to the bank. The master key used for a particular session is wasted once the user has signed off because it was only meant for one session. Users need an internet browser which supports the encryption of 128 bits before they can login to the internet banking (FirstBank, 2013). This ensures use of the highest security level. Some examples of the current encryption technology include digital signature, pretty good privacy (PGP), and Kerberos (Yang, 1997). A digital signature transforms a signed message so that the sender is recognizable to the reader. A private key is used to sign the messages which are then verified with a public

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Writing about pic-18 in computer desing subject Essay

Writing about pic-18 in computer desing subject - Essay Example The most popular set of microcontrollers are those in the 8051 family. These 8051 family is a preferred choice for professionals specializing in embedded systems because they are cheap, readily available, have a larger user base and also the ability of being reprogrammed with flash memory. Figure 1: The 8051 Microcontroller Invention of the Intel 8051 led to a revolutionary role of microcontrollers in the embedded systems industry. Intensive research in this field led to design of efficient, high performance and low power consumption family of microcontrollers. These included AVR, PIC and ARM. These modern microcontrollers are every day being made smarter to include latest communication protocols like USB, I2C, SPI, Ethernet and CAN. History The name PIC refers to the Peripheral Interface Controller. The first PIC was developed in 1975 by the Microelectronics Division of a company known as General Instruments. It was developed when the Microelectronics Division was testing its 16-bit CPU i.e. CP 1600. ... 1. Base Line PIC They are the least complex family of the 8-bit PIC microcontroller since they are based on 12-bit instruction architecture. They are the smallest and the cheapest of all the PICs and are available 6 to 40 pin packaging. 2. Mid-Range PIC These are based on 14-bit instruction architecture with a 20 MHz clock speed. They are mostly used for industry and even hobbyists because of their availability in many peripherals like Op-Amps, ADC, PWM and other communication protocols like SPI, I2C and SPI. 3. Enhanced Mid-Range PIC These are an enhanced version of Mid-Range core. They provide a greater performance in terms of flash memory, clock speed and power consumption. They also include multiples peripherals and protocols like SPI, I2C and USART. 4. PIC 18 It is the highest performing among the 8-bit PIC families and is based on a 16-bit instruction architecture that incorporates an advanced RISC architecture. It is integrated with current communication protocols like TCP/IP protocol, LIN, CAN and USB for communication with internet based networks. Figure 3: PIC 18 Pin Out Memory Variation for PIC 18 PIC 18 is available with many memory options such as mask ROM, EPROM and flash memory. These different types of memories are denoted as follows; Symbol Memory Type Example C EPROM PIC16Cxxx CR Mask ROM PIC16CRxxx F Flash Memory PIC16Fxxx The operating voltage of the PIC 18 ranges from 2.0-5.5 volts. The letter ‘L’ is included in the controllers name to denote their voltage range i.e. PIC16LFxxx (operating at 2.0-5.5 range) PIC18 Architecture PIC18 microcontrollers are based the Reduced Instruction Set Computing architecture (RISC). This is the kind of architecture where the hardware gets reduced with an

Saturday, September 21, 2019

School District Essay Example for Free

School District Essay Present research provides the analysis of dissertation titled Multimedia-Based Classroom Instruction and Student Achievement: What is the Relationship Between Multimedia-Based Classroom Instruction and Student Achievement in a Public Elementary School District written by J. J. Spaulding. Central objectives of the present analysis deal with dissertation’s key research questions, types of data collection and its effectiveness, sampling frame, unit of analysis, theories and methodology underpinning research, literature review quality and some other important aspects of the dissertation discussed. In general, the author formulated eleven research questions which, however, may be reduced to key three questions, which immediately results from author’s stated research purposes (Spaulding 49). These questions are as follows: 1. ‘the relationship between the levels of multimedia-based classroom instruction and student learning in language arts in grades four, five, six and seven’. â€Å"The differences between student learning in language arts in grades four, five, six and seven that exists between grade levels and ESL and non-ESL students†; and finally, 3) Students’ and teachers’ perceptions of ‘multimedia-based classroom instruction and learning’ (Spaulding 49). In our view, the first research meta-question is the most crucial for author’s research, since it embraces 8 sub-questions from the total number of 11, and requires widespread implementation of research methods. However, due to the total number of questions pertaining to the abovementioned meta-questions, it is reasonable to limit analysis to the first research question: â€Å"What is the relationship between the level of multimedia-based classroom instruction and student learning in language arts? ’, which contains all major elements and problems found in the other seven questions of this category (Spaulding 49). 2. The type of data collection, implemented in the discussed dissertation immediately follows from the stated objectives and research methods: descriptive and correlational (Spaulding 51). The first research question was addressed using quantitative methods of data collection, including questionnaire for teachers, participating in research and pretest and posttest surveys for the students (Spaulding 57). The questionnaire for teachers was prepared to differentiate the use of multimedia-based instruction by each of the total number of 32 teacher involved in the researched process. The questions designed sought to define the frequency of multimedia-based instructions use among the teachers. As a result, eight intervals were created, the first interval pertinent to the lowest frequency and the eighth to the highest frequency. The abovementioned instrument of quantitative data collection is of particular importance in the first research question (as well as the rest 7 questions of this group), because it helps differentiate pretest and posttest results in correspondence with the multimedia-based instruction utilization. The second quantitative method applied to the first research question refers to pretest and posttest surveys for students. These tests, administered by the selected teachers were designed to define the level of English proficiency growth during nine-week period of the study (Spaulding 58). As for the issue of data collection’s appropriateness for the first research question, it has two-fold answer. The questionnaire designed for teachers to define the level of multimedia-based instructions perfectly fits the set research problem, which seeks to find the answer to the questions, how their use affects students’ educational progress in schools. However, it should be noted that the room for subjective assessment was left, due to the fact that teachers’ answers could not be checked, due to specific difficulties. Pretest and Posttest surveys are the most problematic methods of data collection for this research question, because in my view they fail to tie positive or negative educational changes with the use of multimedia-based instructions. To put in other words, there exists several important external factors, which are not taken into consideration: Positive or negative findings may result from factors other than multimedia-based instructions, such as teacher professionalism and students’ potential. 2. Low levels of progress in classes frequently using multimedia-based instructions may mean not their low effectiveness, but the limit of progress they can provide (Spaulding 73). Hence, pretest and posttest data collection techniques, should have involved the questions and tools for measuring these particular factors.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Lego The Famous Toy Brand In The World Marketing Essay

Lego The Famous Toy Brand In The World Marketing Essay Today, LEGO has turned into one of the most famous toy brands in the world this is a case study about a LEGO product and brand image. LEGO is only European country to occupy a place in the worlds top ten toy manufactures. LEGO products are produced in Denmark, the US, Switzerland and Korea and retailed through some 60,000 outlets in more than 130 countries. It is estimated that in the 50 years following its inception, some 203 billion LEGO element have been produced. The LEGO Company organizes its business into four main categories: the core business of play materials, family attractions, lifestyle products and media. LEGO external marketing environment- the marketing environment will present many opportunities and threats that can fundamentally affect all element of the marketing mix we saw in this case the most notable things concerning the external environment of LEGO is that it is viewed as a strong brand. It had been part of the toy market for so long. The product also has a unique selling point. Toy of LEGO is aiming to capture a creative imagination and also enable it to stand out in the market of dolls, cars, computer games etc so the company divides a product according to the customer needed. The management aims to ensure that at least one of every product LEGO sells is on offer in one of the outlets. Another positive aspect of the LEGO is the broad of products it sells and its ability to create products for children of all ages. They provide an opportunity for children. There has also been considerable extension of the brand to outside of the toy market. The company has also faced consid erable reductions in sales in several countries that have seen a downturn in their economic environment. One of the main ways the brand has branched out is through the introduction of LEGO based theme parks in several countries, including one in Windsor in UK. The main problem facing LEGO is the cultural change that is taking place in society as a whole. In todays world, children are much more attracted to the digital and technological world. Its management points out those only products of specific interest to children which match up to the companys stringent quality and standard are allowed to tolerate the LEGO brand. SWOT analysis chart Strengths A product with a history and to which all generations feel attached. Unique selling point capture a creative imagination, system of play and problems of society Famous brand worldwide. . LEGO main weakness key point is products may not be as successful in the market and Lack of efficiency in production creation of broken down products which require recall. Difficulties in management production with demand for the most popular LEGO lines. Opportunities have successfully introduced line extension, which should help make stronger the brand. More child-oriented products could be introduced under the brand name with the unique focus of the company, focus should be put on further thorough the media market, which is one of the major competitors in children entertainment. Now a days in this competitive world so many toys on the markets, many of which has more functions and are more difficult than LEGO and its connected products. When the child searching for the gift in local toyshop, hypermarket, toy superstore or even on the internet firstly they think about LEGO because there are more choice available for the children. The choices available to the child may be extremely diverse or quite constrained. Consumer decision making process to the marketing decision made by LEGO -attracting people or help the using that product LEGO build a theme park for LEGO makes a product according to the customer what they are need and they think as a consumer. Now today a parent, every one innovative LEGO understanding brings support memories of their childhood. LEGO established a reputation for quality, adopting the slogan Only the best is good enough. They craft a product according to the age range 0 to 16+ and its not easy task because todays time is globalization time younger group like that type of product who made with extra technology or who fit with their modern life However, remaining competitive in the fast-moving world of childrens toys means it must keep on within adjust with is ready to respond to the latest fads and fashions. For analyzing about product or invited to enjoy a variety of role playing experiences. Its also building and rides are designed with children in mind. They give to chance for children to use their product for educational establishments there is also a category of learning material. Although the format of the product and coverage of the range used to be very much similar, the creative imagination it was designed to capture was exactly same. They make a product what can be afforded, where the spending priorities lie and how a purchasing decision is made. They did not design that type of product, which is not cheaply nor do expensive means they developed a product according to the todays common family income how much they are spend or preferred of their product. The company is continually searching for innovative and exciting way to move forward. There is some statement which is defined how they work according to the customer needed- Conny stated there must be a shared vision throughout the company with a strong focus on the customer. This focus on the customer implied that LEGO had to clearly understand who its core customers are. So LEGO defined customer groups according to their level of affinity, starting with households that never or rarely buy LEGO products up to users who are true fans who spend a considerable amount on LEGO products. It is also make a product for educational establishments they also have categories for learning materials 7-16+ and developed a ranged called LEGO DAGTA that consists of products for kindergartens and schools. They make an innovative and engaging 30-hour curriculum introducing creative robotics to students in middle school. This student will be using humanities as a foundation for the exploration of past, present, and future inventions. The curriculum also includes a four-part Teachers Guide, activities correlated to national standards, digital resources, and reproducible student materials. Lego always build a reliable and such as type of product according to the gender. LEGO products aimed at the consumer are then split into eight different product programmes: LEGO PRIMO, LEGO DUPLO LEGO SGALA etc. The LEGO SAGLA and LEGO SYSTEM belville sets are especially designed for the needs of the girls. Market strategy: Lego is experiencing increasing challenges in the market mostly spurred by socio-cultural and technological issues that certainly impact on each. A current economic crisis, consumer behavior changes as well as technological improvements are forcing Lego to improve its marketing strategy. Pursuing a new strategy Shared Vision with the purpose to re-vitalize the Lego Brand as a synonym to creative building fun and role play Lego aims to sustain its competitive advantage in the toys industry (Company Profile 2007). Hence, a solution to these challenges might be seen in the pursuit of marketing activities establishing closer relations to stakeholders in order to sustain competitive advantage in the future. Theoretical Considerations Adhering to Hà ¥kanssons (2006) statement: No Business is an Island the theoretical framework guiding the analysis of Question 1 (Q1) will be a network perspective. According to Gulatis (2000) view: the economic environment becomes sharply more competitive, the firm The LEGO Company has been making great moves lately, moves that are building the online presence of the company and rewarding loyal customers. I remember playing with Legos as a child and they provided hours of entertainment Im very glad to see that the company and the Lego is healthy and growing, especially in this age of computers. Legos were one of the first toys I bought for my kids as I think its fantastic for childhood development and creativity skills. From  The Long Tail, LEGO has done many other things than simply selling a product, which they do well. They have invited participation from customers who become a limitless supply of product designers.  The LEGO Designer  allows people to create their own model, share it and purchase it. As a result there are thousands of customer-created models in all kinds of categories, and the Lego Designers choose their favorites to feature on the site. The cover story of  Wired  last February, LEGO opened up  development of Mindstorm Robotics.  Lego started by open sourcing the Mindstorm NXT software the core component of the robotics toolset. Coming later this summer, Lego will also release Firmware code for Software, Hardware and Bluetooth Developer Kits. This is an amazing story of how a toy company started with a simple product and grew to take advantage of the technology of the age. Not only the technology but they have and increased their audience from children to those of us children that havent yet grown up. The companys vision is to become the worlds strongest brand among families with children in year 2005. LEGO position itself as The Power to Create in the minds of children and adults. Problem recognition Buying Behaviors Children are an important part of the family buying process. In addition to the obvious role that the children play as the user, they are also the buyers of the future. Children who plays with LEGO may be able to hold on to the adult due to brand awareness and brand loyalty formed at their early age. As LEGOs core target market are children age 0-16+, the company face great challenges in developing products that appeal to the increasingly sophisticated demands of children. Children are moving into new markets. Children as young as seven input Read more: Like every large company, Lego has a must culture you must do this; the open source developer community has a can culture I do this because I want to, because I can. The value of the outside-in model is that it brings a different culture inside your company. Toy maker Lego reported a 60% rise in net profit in the first six months of 2009 as it said parents were turning to its classic products in the recession.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

United Parcel Service - UPS Essay -- essays research papers

United Parcel Service Executive Summary UPS has announced that after more than 90 years as a private company, it was planning an initial public offering to become a publicly traded company. In response to this, we will first analyze UPS ¡Ã‚ ¦s business strategy and it ¡Ã‚ ¦s sustainability of its current performance. Then we will look at key factors to estimate the UPS ¡Ã‚ ¦s market capitalization value using FedEx ¡Ã‚ ¦s multiples as well as  ¡Ã‚ §best in breed ¡Ã‚ ¨ company premiums. From this, we concluded that UPS ¡Ã‚ ¦s IPO should create a market capitalization for UPS between $17,520 million and $30,415 million. Evaluation UPS is the largest parcel delivery service in the world. They also help their customers its customers with supply chain management, logistics, and financial services. UPS used to be a trucking company with technology, now it ¡Ã‚ ¦s a technology company with trucks. One of the UPS ¡Ã‚ ¦s key success factors is the way they manage their operations. Their carefully designed network of vehicles, sorting facilities, and hubs combined with their IT system, allows them to pick up 13 million packages each day from 2 million addresses for delivery to over 6 million commercial and residential addresses worldwide with highest levels of reliability, efficiency, and speed. Also the integration of its air and ground operations gave UPS the ability to optimize utilization of its assets while still meeting customer service requirements. Other key success factor is UPS ¡Ã‚ ¦s human resource management. UPS has lowest turnover rates in the industry and succeeds in developing a portion of its wor kforce for management positions each year. The company ¡Ã‚ ¦s unique culture emphasized accountability and efficient execution at every level of the organization. UPS is performing better than FedEx in financial performances. From 1997-1999, UPS reported average net profit margins of 6.5% while FedEx ¡Ã‚ ¦s was 2.8% and ROE of 25.2% for UPS and 10.6% for FedEx. Although UPS ¡Ã‚ ¦s net income in 1999 dropped significantly, it was result of a tax dispute, which should not affect the sustainability of the UPS financial performance. One of the factors driving this performance is the growth in the international delivery business. International operations in 1999 has accounted for 13% of the UPS ¡Ã‚ ¦s revenues and 5% of the operating profits. International package revenue grew 50% since 1994 and international... ...OB premium for the trailing price to earnings multiple, we come up with UPS market capitalization of $21,985 million. If we use the 103% average BOB premium for the market to book multiple, then we come with UPS market capitalization of $38,845 million. UPS doesn ¡Ã‚ ¦t seem like it deserves a BOB premium because its only has 15% higher net income than FedEx where the BOB premium companies average over 200% higher net income than the industrial comparable. But, since the last year ¡Ã‚ ¦s net income was negatively affected by the tax court ruling we believe their net income in 1999 should be looked at without this one time write off against their net income which would bring their net income more closer to what the BOB premium companies average. Conclusion We believe the UPS ¡Ã‚ ¦s actual market capitalization and stock value lies somewhere between $17,520 million and $30,415 million. Although we believe that UPS shouldn ¡Ã‚ ¦t be fully valued using the BOB premium because of the uncertain future business and financial prospects, we also don ¡Ã‚ ¦t think just using FedEx ¡Ã‚ ¦s multiples as benchmark for the UPS ¡Ã‚ ¦s value captures the true market capitalization value for UPS. United Parcel Service - UPS Essay -- essays research papers United Parcel Service Executive Summary UPS has announced that after more than 90 years as a private company, it was planning an initial public offering to become a publicly traded company. In response to this, we will first analyze UPS ¡Ã‚ ¦s business strategy and it ¡Ã‚ ¦s sustainability of its current performance. Then we will look at key factors to estimate the UPS ¡Ã‚ ¦s market capitalization value using FedEx ¡Ã‚ ¦s multiples as well as  ¡Ã‚ §best in breed ¡Ã‚ ¨ company premiums. From this, we concluded that UPS ¡Ã‚ ¦s IPO should create a market capitalization for UPS between $17,520 million and $30,415 million. Evaluation UPS is the largest parcel delivery service in the world. They also help their customers its customers with supply chain management, logistics, and financial services. UPS used to be a trucking company with technology, now it ¡Ã‚ ¦s a technology company with trucks. One of the UPS ¡Ã‚ ¦s key success factors is the way they manage their operations. Their carefully designed network of vehicles, sorting facilities, and hubs combined with their IT system, allows them to pick up 13 million packages each day from 2 million addresses for delivery to over 6 million commercial and residential addresses worldwide with highest levels of reliability, efficiency, and speed. Also the integration of its air and ground operations gave UPS the ability to optimize utilization of its assets while still meeting customer service requirements. Other key success factor is UPS ¡Ã‚ ¦s human resource management. UPS has lowest turnover rates in the industry and succeeds in developing a portion of its wor kforce for management positions each year. The company ¡Ã‚ ¦s unique culture emphasized accountability and efficient execution at every level of the organization. UPS is performing better than FedEx in financial performances. From 1997-1999, UPS reported average net profit margins of 6.5% while FedEx ¡Ã‚ ¦s was 2.8% and ROE of 25.2% for UPS and 10.6% for FedEx. Although UPS ¡Ã‚ ¦s net income in 1999 dropped significantly, it was result of a tax dispute, which should not affect the sustainability of the UPS financial performance. One of the factors driving this performance is the growth in the international delivery business. International operations in 1999 has accounted for 13% of the UPS ¡Ã‚ ¦s revenues and 5% of the operating profits. International package revenue grew 50% since 1994 and international... ...OB premium for the trailing price to earnings multiple, we come up with UPS market capitalization of $21,985 million. If we use the 103% average BOB premium for the market to book multiple, then we come with UPS market capitalization of $38,845 million. UPS doesn ¡Ã‚ ¦t seem like it deserves a BOB premium because its only has 15% higher net income than FedEx where the BOB premium companies average over 200% higher net income than the industrial comparable. But, since the last year ¡Ã‚ ¦s net income was negatively affected by the tax court ruling we believe their net income in 1999 should be looked at without this one time write off against their net income which would bring their net income more closer to what the BOB premium companies average. Conclusion We believe the UPS ¡Ã‚ ¦s actual market capitalization and stock value lies somewhere between $17,520 million and $30,415 million. Although we believe that UPS shouldn ¡Ã‚ ¦t be fully valued using the BOB premium because of the uncertain future business and financial prospects, we also don ¡Ã‚ ¦t think just using FedEx ¡Ã‚ ¦s multiples as benchmark for the UPS ¡Ã‚ ¦s value captures the true market capitalization value for UPS.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Process of Starting an IV (intravenous) Essay -- Expository Proces

The Process of Starting an IV (intravenous) Several skills are beneficial to the nurse and paramedic, but perhaps one of the most important skills is the ability to place an intravenous catheter into a vein. This procedure is most commonly referred to as â€Å"starting an IV†. In today’s medical community, intravenous cannulation is necessary for the administration of many antibiotics and other therapeutic drugs. Listed below are the procedures and guidelines for starting a successful IV. Following these instructions will provide a positive experience for the patient and clinician. First, you must obtain all of the necessary supplies: gloves, alcohol or Betadine preps, a tourniquet, tape, an appropriately sized IV catheter, a bag of IV solution, the IV tubing, and gauze pads. While obtaining the supplies, you should inform the patient that IV catheter placement is necessary, and why. Do not lie to the patient and tell him or her that it is a painless procedure. Instead, be honest with them and explain that the initial puncture feels like a sharp pinch on the skin and that the pain and discomfort associated with the IV placement is only temporary. You may find it helpful to demonstrate to the patient the amount of pain to expect by pinching the skin on the back of their hand. This is especially helpful for younger patients or patients who are more concrete in their thinking. Now, assemble and arrange all of the needed supplies so that they are easily accessible. Connect the IV tubing to the solution bag and allow the fluid in the bag to run through the entire length of the tubing, also known as priming the tubing. When this is done, clamp the tubing closed. You will then need to tear several pieces of tape, six to eight inche... ...f the clamps on the tubing to allow the IV solution to run freely. Slowly, decrease the flow of the solution to the appropriate rate as ordered by the physician. Using a small gauze pad, wipe away any excess blood or fluid on the surface of the skin. Then, using the pre-torn pieces of tape, secure the catheter hub and the IV tubing to the patient’s skin. Take extra caution not to kink the tubing. Once everything is secured, recheck the IV solution’s flow and then attend to the rest of your patients needs. Starting a successful IV takes practice, time, and patience. Once you have perfected this procedure, you will see that the above steps are simply guidelines to help beginners. As your experience grows, you will develop your own techniques and preferences. Remember these steps, and both you and your patient will have a successful IV catheter placement experience.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

START Programs Defined :: essays research papers

The Impact That the START Treaties Have On Public Safety Have you ever thought about a nuclear bomb hitting Wichita? What could we do to prevent this from happening? There have been several attempts to rid the world of nuclear threat. None of these attempts has actually prevailed to the lofty goal of unilaterally removing the threat of nuclear war. Seemingly, the unilateral limitation of nuclear arsenals would be a good idea. To begin, I need to define terms in layman’s to reveal the total meaning of this topic. Each delivery system has a different range. Inter-continental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) have the farthest range of 13,000 kilometers, whereas, submarine launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) can only reach as far as 12,000 kilometers (Friedman). Unilateral action means that each separate side will act identically. If Russia disassembles 100 ICBMs then the United States has to disassemble 100 ICBMs to create equality. The bloc of treaties designed to assure the unilateral reduction of nuclear arms is the strategic arms reduction treaty (START). The START treaties have three sections; each designed to reduce the number of specific nuclear weapons. I will discuss each version of START in order to show what influence it will have on global safety. START I set the groundwork to begin the gradual decline of nuclear weapons for the United States and the Soviet Union. Each party had approximately 10,000 nuclear weapons of various ranges (Friedman). Under START I the number of total nuclear weapons deployed will unilaterally be reduced to a total not to exceed 6,000 warheads (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace). Which is a step in the right direction.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Both the United States and Russia signed the START I treaty on July 31, 1991 (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace). Although the Soviet Union dissolved around this time, the four countries that remained ratified the treaty. START I entered into force on December 5, 1994, when the five treaty parties exchanged instruments of ratification in Budapest (Kimball). START II continued to reduce the number of deployed nuclear warheads to a total to 4,250 per party (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace). This second treaty further limited the number of ICBMs and SLBMs that can be deployed with nuclear warheads. START II was signed on January 3, 1993 in Moscow (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace).

Monday, September 16, 2019

Advanced Nurse Practitioner Reimbursement

In 2002, the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) brought before this house a report on the need to implement equal reimbursement strategy across the health sector (Edmunds, 2002). These report aimed at addressing the unbalanced reimbursement practice experienced by NPs, clinical nurse specialists, certified nurse midwives and assistant physicians (Edmunds, 2002).Essentially, the report recommended that the Medicare payment rates for certified nurse-midwives be raised by 85% of the physician fee schedule (Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, 2002). The congress members overwhelmingly voted positively for this bill (Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, 2002).The intent of this statement today is to invite congress members here present to review the said recommendation. In particular, this statement wishes to go an extra mile to assert that Medicare payment rates for advanced practicing nurses (APNs) should not be gauged by the physician’s payment schedule.AnalysisThe percentage rate reflected in the previous recommendation mentioned above limits the APNs from get what they truly deserve. It is imperative, therefore, to recognize that the role of APNs has evolved tremendously for the better so this nation needs to treat their service with the authenticity it deserves.Gone are the days when they worked under the supervision of the physicians. Do congress members here present believe that APNs’ role is meant for the physicians’ such that the former serve as their servants? Is it not so that APNs role is meant for the health and safety of many generations to come?Therefore, their reimbursement process should be dealt with as an end in itself and the agreed payment rates must assume a 100% judgment. This means that they should get reimbursed as per their input; how this house will settle for their just reimbursement should only be guided by the efforts being put by APNs.This way the members of this house will not only effect a just com pensation procedure but they will also recognize the great improvement that has taken place in this nation. Moreover, most Americans continue to benefit from their quality and cost-effective services.In the past physicians dominated in services like diagnosing illness, describing and interpreting laboratory tests, performing physical check ups, suturing wounds and designing preventive health service programs (Sekscenski et al. 1994). Today, the APNs can provide such services in the absence of the physician.Please note that this is not because the physician have got lots of other things to do, no; the bottom line is that APNs healthcare practitioners have really grown and improved in skill.APNs mark a remarkable growing share of the health care provider workforce. It is believed that the number of certified and practicing nurses has risen from approximately 60,000 in 19992 to 124,000 in 2000 (AAPA, 2001). Others in support of this statistics are (Spratley et al. 2000; Moses, 1992). O n the contrary the number of active physicians grew by 27%, to 772,000, on the same period (Cooper et al., 2002)It is important to bring to the attention of this house that the fact that the APNs can handle complicated health matters without the direct supervision of physicians has saved this nation many lives worth much more than the would-be reimbursement.Even if this house agreed to reimburse the APNs as much money as many cannot imagine, it cannot replace the value of their services and the value of the citizens’ health safety. Additionally, the APNs have a legal duty to practice independently or in association with a physician, therefore, they are entitled to a direct reimbursement.The report noted that physicians got paid100% of the physician fee schedule rate excluding any differentiation by specialty (Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, 2002). Now all other nonphysician practitioners get remunerated as per the physician schedule.This without the fear of contradictio n implies that physicians enjoy from where they have not labored. Once again, this statement re-states that APNs ought to have an authentic payment schedule and the features to it must be separated from those of the physicians at all times.Conclusion Overall, this nation recognizes the good judgments exhibited by the congress members in the many decades ago. The caution and positive consideration they have demonstrated in shaping the history of this nation’s health sector is laudable.In the same spirit, the APNs fraternity is out there waiting for a positive consideration in this matter. It is important to keep in mind that health matters are very sensitive. It is among those services that must be available to the people no matter the cost.Therefore, consideration of a better reimbursement as suggested in front of this house will lead to this end. This congress cannot fail to take this matter seriously.To sum up, this statement invites the congress members here present to con sider the following: (a)  Ã‚  Ã‚   Separation of physicians’ roles from those of the Advanced Practicing Nurses (nonphysicians). (b)  Ã‚   Medicare payment rates for advanced practicing nurses (APNs) not to be gauged by the physician’s payment schedule.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Odysseus and Supernatural Beings

Odysseus and Supernatural Beings Throughout Homer's Odyssey, there are many supernatural beings that interact with Odysseus. These beings play an important role as either advisors, temptations or foes to Odysseus. Throughout his journey he is confronted with conflicts where he is either helped or hindered by these supernatural beings. Below are some examples of the beings that either helped or hindered Odysseus during his journey. The goddess Athena, goddess of wisdom and war, is the most powerful intelligent and influential woman in Odysseus’s life. She is always at his side. She speaks on behalf of Odysseus, telling Zeus, her father, that her heart breaks for forlorn Odysseus. Odysseus longs to see the curls of smoke rising from his home fires in Ithaca, she says, but Calypso will not loosen her hold on him. She reminds Zeus that Odysseus dedicated many burnt offerings to him at Troy. Swayed by her words, Zeus sends the messenger god, Hermes, to Calypso’s island with a command to release Odysseus. Athena aids Odysseus in many ways throughout his entire journey, like when she changes the course of events that take place when he first meets the princess Nausicaa of Phaeacia. Athena changes the course of the ball that the girls are throwing so that it falls on Odysseus and wakes him up, leading him to meet Nausicaa. Many times Athena convinces Zeus and the other Gods that Odysseus is worth saving. Perhaps the most formidable foe of Odysseus is the sea god Poseidon, who continually attempts to thwart the efforts of Odysseus to make a safe journey home. On one of Odysseus adventures he angers the great sea god, Poseidon, by blinding his son, Polyphemus, king of a race of one-eyed giants who inhabit the island of Sicily. In retaliation, Poseidon relentlessly torments Odysseus after he leaves Sicily, imperiling his voyage at every turn. He is aware that he cannot kill nor stop Odysseus but continues his efforts to make Odysseus journey throughout the story full of peril. An example of Poseidon’s wrath is seen as soon as he arrives back from Ethiopia and spots Odysseus making passage towards Phaeacia, he says, â€Å"Just look at him there, nearing Phaeacia’s shores where he’s fated to escape his noose of pain that’s held him until now. Still my hopes ride high-I’ll give that man his swamping fill of trouble,† Poseidon attacks Odysseus with a giant wave, and destroys his newly crafted raft. Odysseus survives with the help of the sea nymph Ino . The beautiful goddess Calypso who falls in love with Odysseus after he washes ashore on her island. Calypso, by means of enchantment, holds him prisoner there for seven years. Calypso used trickery and deceit to have possession over Odysseus. She was a beautiful nymph with a wonderful voice. Calypso uses these advantages to get what she wants. Calypso tries to make Odysseus her husband and asks him if he would want to be immortal by staying on the island with her. Odysseus tells her â€Å"I each day I long for home, long for the sight of home†¦. † In the end, the Gods overpower Calypso into letting him go, but she still demonstrates the god's idea as if it was her own. She tells him â€Å"O forlorn man, be still. Here you need grieve no more; you need not feel your life consumed here; I have pondered it, and I shall help you go†¦. In the end, she helps Odysseus after releasing him by providing him a raft and provisions to help him on his way without incident if the gods wish it. In conclusion, Odysseus, a mortal, is both helped and hindered by these supernatural beings. He encounters the wrath of Poseidon numerous times throughout his travels. He was held captive by Calypso on her island while longing for home. The Goddess Athena guided and protected hi m the most throughout his travels. Without the aid of these supernatural beings, the journey of Odysseus would not have been the brave, courageous, and risky adventure that it was.

Building Effective Teams & Managers and leaders

Whether we like it or not, there are always poor performers in any type of team or organization. These are employees or team members who do not meet the standards set by the organization. Commonly, poor performing employees are those who belong to Quartile Four when employees are force-ranked. Most managers and leaders agree that it’s not easy dealing with poor performers. As Levinson (2003) said, â€Å"it’s a wrenching task, but you have to face up to the need to confront poor performers, and either fix their shortcomings or fire them.  Ã¢â‚¬ Poor performers, no matter how small in number they may be, still have a big impact in the performance of the whole team or organization. As the HR Manager of the company, I would advise each member of the team to help one another in their tasks and job responsibilities. If the team members notice that there are poor performers among them, they should take immediate action by working with these people and talking to them. Havi ng a good peer-to-peer conversation may reveal the issues that the employee is facing, thus, affecting his/her performance at work. This can help getting to the root cause of the problem and help the member solve it.Team members who are not performing well tend to share their problems and open up more easily with their peers than with their supervisor or manager. Poor performers can also be identified through feedback from peers and, if applicable, customers. The customers are the people who can see the outputs of the employee or member’s work. If it is unsatisfactory to the customer, then the employee must not be performing well. Peers are good sources of feedback when it comes to how the employee or team member really works when the boss is not around. The employee’s co-workers are the people s/he gets to work with day in and day out.They are the ones who can immediately see where the employee is good at and where he is not. Thus, these people can better provide the data and the tools to determine the poor performers in the team or organization. Though co-workers may contribute to the improvement of a poor performer, still, the best person who could talk to the person and give relevant advices is the immediate superior. The member’s immediate superior would know the areas where s/he needs more improvement. Thus, the superior can give better advice pertaining to these areas and how to better improve on them.The immediate superior can also give suggestions on some actions the member needs to do in order to improve on the areas identified. Coaching and mentoring are the key techniques in handling poor performers. Constant monitoring of the employee’s performance and regular coaching would do a lot of help in the improvement of the employee. People think that coaching is a negative thing when it is actually the opposite. Coaching provides a venue for both the employee and supervisor to talk about each other’s performance (Yes, employees get to speak to! ).However, if several coaching have already been done and all other mentoring techniques and help are also tried but the performance of the employee remains the same, it will be best for both parties for the employee to just say goodbye. The job may just not really be for him/her. References Levinson, M. (2003, November 1). How to Find, Fix or Fire Your Poor Performers. CIO Magazine. Retrieved August 1, 2006 from http://www. cio. com/archive/110103/poor. html Time to Stop Tolerating Poor Performers. (2006, February 26). The Sunday Times. Retrieved August 1, 2006 from http://www. timesonline. co. uk/article/0,,8543-2057887_1,00. html

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Explain How You Could Promote Inclusion

To answer this question one would have to first define the terms ‘inclusion, equality and diversity. According to Ann Gravells inclusivity is â€Å"involving all learners in relevant activities rather than excluding them for any reason either directly of indirectly† Gravells defines equality as â€Å" the rights of learners to attend and participate, regardless of their gender, race, ethnic origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation and age.And finally Gravells definition of diversity is â€Å"valuing the differences in people, whether that relates to gender, race, age, disability or any other individual characteristics they may have†. ( Gravells, A. , 2008, pg. 18). The Government defined inclusion in 2001 as â€Å"†¦ a process by which schools, local education authorities and others develop their cultures, policies and practices to include pupils†(http://www. csie. org. uk/).The essence of the definitions of all three terms is acceptance it im plies that the objective of teaching is to impart the knowledge and to assist the entire group in achieving their educational goals regardless of their background. As a teacher I must ensure that I do not allow anyone to feel marginalised or show favouritism and know that everyone is an individual with various abilities, needs, background and experiences and that all learners have the right to be treated with respect and dignity.Any barriers or boundaries to learning must be identified at the outset thereafter continuously monitored throughout the course for students to successfully and effectively participate in learning. The individuality and characteristics of each learner should also be identified and respected and if there is a cultural diversity in the group then the teacher should be culturally sensitive when delivering sessions. Adoption of such method can promote a sense of inclusion, equality and diversity at an individual level, which can translate to a more beneficial co llective learning practice throughout the course.Cultural and language differences; disabilities/age/medical issues, family commitments; lack of support, peer pressure, previous learning experience, travel issues, lack of confidence, emotional or psychological problems and learning difficulties, all these issues can potentially act as barriers to learning. (Gravells, 2008, pg. 16) As my subject will be Third World Development I could expect ‘some’ learners with extreme passion to issues of developing countries which can at times affect students’ morale and potentially result in dropping out or being very pessimistic – this could be a potential barrier.As a teacher I will have to deal with such cases by motivating those students and include them in all activities and discussion by telling them that they need to learn about causes and solutions to developing world’s problem so that they can become part of the solutions. Promotion of inclusion, equalit y and diversity can be achieved by the teacher first having the knowledge of the existence of potential barriers then identifying these barriers within the learning group thereafter finding ways towards overcoming them.Francis and Gould assert â€Å"It is important to recognise the differences in the learners we teach as these may influence how we interact with them. To act professionally as teachers we will want to ensure that we behave in ways acceptable to all our learners, taking into account factors such as race, gender, age, previous experience or background. † (Francis M and Gould J. , 2009, pg. 70) During the course enrolment forms, discussions, assessments and individual learning plans can ensure that no learner is disadvantaged or subjected to unfair discrimination on any grounds in relation to accessing appropriate learning methods and resources.Collecting this data also helps identify areas that may require referral to counselling, creche facilities, health advice or a basic skills tutor in order to overcome obstacles. Promoting inclusion by identifying variation in needs ensures that learners have equality throughout their learning experience. Data collection through assessment is valuable when analysed, acted upon and continuously monitored to ensure consistency in inclusion through equality. Advocating equality through more effective provision of resources according to individual need is essential to the learning experience.Planning and implementing various strategies throughout the course to support learners with various learning requirements such as VAK style or learners with dyslexia may benefit from having different colour and bigger fonts on the teacher’s projector screen can help tackle exclusion and inequality. If there is wheelchair users on the course the appropriate venue for teaching should be considered. For students that have a disability (such as being blind or deaf, etc. ) it may be useful for the student to have lea rning support whilst attending the classes.Carefully prepared resources can also help with inclusive learning e. g. handouts should be in a font size which is big enough for partially impaired vision learners. Any resources need to be in simple English (i. e. avoid unnecessary jargon). A good layout combining colours and pictures for easy reading. Using non-discriminating language, resources that echo the diversity of the group and that are adaptable to meet the needs of the learners can be a conscious, active and constant way of tackling exclusion.Use constant assessment methods to give equal opportunity to all the learners and at the end of the course give the learners the option to evaluate the course. In conclusion, processes of inclusion are wide-ranging, dynamic and varied. They consist of: ? forging relationships ? building community ? increasing participation Inclusion in education is concerned with breaking down barriers to learning and increasing participation for all stud ents, treating all learners on the basis of equality and non-discrimination. In educational and social settings of all kinds, working towards inclusion entails celebrating differences of: ? ulture ? ethnicity ? gender ? needs and abilities (http://www. csie. org. uk).Bibliography Gravells A. , Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector, 3rd Edition, 2008, Learning Matters Ltd. Francis M and Gould J. , Achieving Your PTTLS Award,: A Practical Guide to Learning in the Lifelong Learning Sector, 2009, Sage Publications Ltd. Reece R. Walker S. , Teaching Training and Learning: A Practical Guide, 3rd edition, 1997, Tyne and Wear Business Education Publisher Ltd. http://www. csie. org. uk/ Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education

Friday, September 13, 2019

Discussion in recession Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Discussion in recession - Coursework Example The economic conditions are directly linked with the overall discretionary purchases undertaken by the households, while there is also a high degree of implication on the overall volume of necessity purchases. Due to the fact that all businesses are commercial organisations that have the underlying aim to increase shareholder’s wealth. It is therefore argued that recession is one of the critical downside risk facing contemporary businesses. The critics of this argument have however noted that recession can be seen as an opportunity for businesses to sharpen their business models. Drawing upon Rampini et al (2014), the businesses that have lean and agile structures develop sustainable competitive advantage that does not only help them survive through a recession but also flourish and expand their presence. The aim of this debate is therefore to critically analyse and appraise the thinking that recession is the most critical downside risk facing all businesses.†¨It can ther efore be argued that economic recession is likely to have negative impact on firms that are diversified across the industries and geographically, leading to lower than expected results on the top and bottom line of the business   My claim substantiates the overall conclusion with the help of the following set of arguments. The key risk management strategy for contemporary businesses is to use diversification strategy, where all valuable resources of the firm are not focused on achieving a single competitive advantage. According to Ai et al (2012), the multiplicity of competitive advantage and its development within multiple industries and geographic markets essentially means that if there is any systemic risk in one industry or national market, than it can be mitigated by the firm from the other industry or national market. It should be noted that in case of an economic recession, the overall demand for the products or services across the industries fall dramatically

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Challenges And Benefits Of Mammalian Cloning Essay

Challenges And Benefits Of Mammalian Cloning - Essay Example This is indeed, far from reality! Daily life experiences we go through and the environment we are brought up in play a decisive role in making us what we are irrespective of our genetic similarity with a parent or a sibling. Another big challenge in the way of mammalian cloning is the widespread conception among people that cloned mammals are perfect and that all weaknesses have been weeded out from them. This, again is nothing more than another theory about mammalian cloning that is frequently referred to by the opponents of cloning. Last, but not the least, mammalian cloning is threatened by people’s religious beliefs and practices. Practicing people from many religions are simply against the idea of mammalian cloning because they consider it to be fundamentally the expertise of God, and believe that no human can or should make an attempt to cross the limits. Although many of the generally believed theories about mammalian cloning are far from reality, yet they have posed ma ny hurdles in the way of research and development in the field of mammalian cloning and implementation of the techniques thus found. Benefits: According to Dr. Richard Seed who is a leading proponent of the technology of mammalian cloning, knowledge about cloning has been developed to such an extent that methods may soon be developed that would not only retard the process of aging in mammals, but also reverse it (â€Å"Benefits Of Human†).

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Women Smoking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Women Smoking - Essay Example Due to the increased levels of smoking among women, the figure for deaths among women world-wide is set to double by 2020 (WHO, 1992). It is estimated that approximately 41,000 women die prematurely each year as a result of smoking in the U.K (Callum, 1995). Across the EU countries, the figure is estimated at 106,000. A total of 500,000 deaths per year is the estimated world total (WHO, 1992). A broad range of styles is offered to meet the expressed wants established as preferences by the different segments of the smoking population, for example women and these include taste, packaging and cigarette length, and these marketing strategies are targeted at women who are more concerned and worried about smoking but are less likely to quit. They look for more situational cues to smoke (Brown and Williamson, 1979). Smoking rates follow underprivilege, and these include the racial underprivilege. Statistics reflect that black women living in a society dominated by whites tend to have a higher smoking rate than their white counterparts. In America for example, the rates of lung cancer have increased faster among the black women than among white women.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Effective and efficient use of physical resources in line with Essay

Effective and efficient use of physical resources in line with organizational policies and procedures - Essay Example These possessions call for maintenance to make Aerospace sub-contractors do well in every of their actions and roles (Sicker, 2008 P 206). This also includes assuring security in the employment surroundings and making sure all the apparatus and plant work well and is in solid state. Buildings The Aerospace sub-contractors has resources such as different buildings and facilities for instance they have workplace structures to make certain they appear respectable and expert, their workplace possessions have a contemporary look by a respectable arrival and aerospace sub-contractors . The Aerospace Sub-contractors Company has built-up buildings such as factories to make sure that the company’s items or supply are created to finest value and that the workers are in a safe working atmosphere; it does not have to be well turned-out to the clients because no one but the workforce and employers are certified to stopover the place. The structure is used for machinery use, which is highly developed and supports the personnel. Warehouses Aerospace sub-contractors also have warehouses to maintain their merchandise in a protected site for research to be delivered to clients, the warehouses more often than not deliver substantial hypermarket stores such as; Tesco and Sainsbury's in England since they instruct a lot of the stockpile and add to Aerospace sub-contractors 's income. The warehouses are typically extremely hefty, high stockpile rooms with a lot of capacity, which helps the business use up their amenities intelligently, not wasting assets and funds. The administration also has shops to trade and endorse their Aerospace sub-contractors commodities; also, so that their merchandise could be purchased at any confined outlet for all people the company is aiming to reach. These branches appear well turned-out and friendly for clients to visit and purchase Aerospace sub-contractors products. Museums and education Museums and education centres are as well a component of the Aerospace sub-contractors amenities and buildings to aid the corporation grow and arrive at recognition, they furthermore help the Aerospace sub-contractors audiences gain knowledge of the history and the voyage of Aerospace sub-contractors’s achievements and accomplishment (Ronald, 2002 P. 400). The museums and education centres have to appear respectable and reveal on the Aerospace sub-contractors’s business, also demonstrate understanding about the entire Aerospace sub-contractors business to give surety people they have entered the place to gain knowledge of the company, so they have to encompass diverse show rooms and displays in corridors and foyers. Machinery and plant As Aerospace sub-contractors have assured buildings and apparatus resources, they also contain certain needs of a kind of both plant and machinery. Plant; referring to having a detailed position for manufacturing Aerospace sub-contractors’s produce (where a business or manufacturing procedure takes place) for instance a plant where Aerospace sub-contractors produce their manufactured goods such as rivets, nuts /bolts washers, types of glues, lubricants and depressants, welding gases, welding filler wire, fluxes. Having machinery also saves Aerospace sub-contractors capital and time which means they end up earning more funds. This is because fewer personnel are required and more job share completed at once by a machine, not like a worker, machinery may also be supplementary harmless because it is planned to execute a task on the certain product with negligible support required. Aerospace sub-contractors use up a lot of currency for their factories and immense machinery, but it comes to a vast result and revenue for the company (Air Force, 2003 P

Monday, September 9, 2019

Strategies for preparing a health care organization for change Essay

Strategies for preparing a health care organization for change - Essay Example The plan should indicate the goals and objectives of the change being instituted, roles of top management, and the period estimated for the entire process. The expected returns of the electronic recordings compared to manual recording should also be addressed According to Bridges and Bridges (2009), successful changes occur only in organizations, which demonstrate effective change from the top management. Top managers should exhibit positive attitude and reactions for the new electronic system. Even more, the managers should be conversant with the technicalities and technology of the electronic recording. In addition, management should focus on implementing the change by offering incentives and rewards to employees who emerge excellent in operating the new system. There should be concentrated effort to inform the staff of the expected change in the institution. In order to gain the support of the employees, it is vital for the management of the organization to inform them about the efficiency of the automated system and the advantages they are likely to enjoy by shifting to electronic medical records. The management should further train the staff members on how to use the electronic recording system. It is unlikely that the organization will flawlessly implement the electronic recording without challenges. This is because the employees will be adamant to maintain their status quo and they may oppose the trainings on how to use the new electronic medical recording system. Such challenges will be addressed by setting up of counseling center to inform and encourage the employees about the proposed

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Philosophy of education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Philosophy of education - Essay Example Though there is only a scrappy access to his work On Education, still it is possible to construct a working knowledge of Aristotle’s ideas on education by correlating it to his other existent works. Aristotle considered education to be a Central aspect of human life (Dovre 2007). Aristotle placed education and human fulfillment side by side and believed that an educated person happened to be a fulfilled person (Palmer 2007). In that context, I do believe that the purpose of education is to bring about a measure of stability and poise into the human life, thereby allowing the young minds to be able to deal with the challenges and resentments brought about by the current socio-economic environment in a balanced and restrained manner. Aristotle put forth the argument that the thought and philosophy of educators need to be marked by a clear philosophy of life (Bergman 2007). In that context, it needs to be mentioned that Aristotle never considered a viewpoint to be monolithic and believed that a philosophy of life essentially happened to be an approach towards life which happened to be able to pursue an ever-evolving course in tandem with the actual life that happened to be fluid and ever-changing. I thoroughly agree with this premise in the sense that it is my firm belief that in today’s globalized world when the emerging technologies are leading to a scattering of the local employment opportunities around the world, the students of today are more than ever required to grapple with change.